
Management of white fly (Aleurolobus barodensis):

For management of whitefly (Aleurolobus barodensis) in sugarcane agro-ecosystem, removal of lower leaves followed by foliar application of imidacloprid 0.005% + 2% urea is recommended (Urea solution should be prepared first and then imidacloprid is to be added to avoid coagulation of the mixture).

Management of mealy bugs in sugarcane :

Sett treatment with imidacloprid 70 WG/SP @ 25 g a.i./ha or Thiamethoxam 70 WG/SP @ 25 g a.i./ha (36 g product in 150 l of water) followed by spraying of imidacloprid 17.8 SL @ 0.05% or Monocrotophos 36% SL (1.5 l) in 500-700 l water may be applied for effective control of mealy bug in sugarcane.

Management of woolly aphid:

For the effective management of sugarcane woolly aphid, the potential bioagents like Dipha aphidivora and Micromus igorotus may be redistributed in sugarcane fields where population of bioagents is deficient or low. However, need-based chemical application of Imidacloprid 17.8 SL @ 100 g a.i./ha or Chlorpyriphos 20 EC @ 1 kg a.i./ha or oxydemeton methyl 25 EC @ 1 kg a.i./ha or Thiamethoxam 25 WG @ 50 g a.i./ha is recommended.

    Integrated pest management

  • Selection of sugarcane variety tolerant to the major insect-pest of the area.
  • Application of Chlorpyriphos 20 EC in soil during planting where termite and shoot borer occur together in pest form.
  • Dead-hearts should be removed where shoot borer infestation does not occur in pest form.
  • Removal of top borer egg masses in I and II brood should be done followed by release of the parasite in the field, emerging from the collected egg masses.
  • Carbofuran 3G @ 1 kg a.i./ha should be applied against III brood of top borer in synchronization with pest activity.
  • For controlling population of pyrilla, Epiricania melanoleuca cocoons may be distributed in the second fortnight of July, if the parasite is deficient in the field.
  • Where Gurdaspur borer (Acigona steniellus Hampson) occurs, the infested plants having borer larvae in gregarious phase should be removed at 15 days interval from July to September.
  • In stalk borer prone areas, lower dry leaves should be removed in the month of November and thereafter, late shoots and water shoots should be removed at 30 days interval.