The Coordination Unit of AICRP on Sugarcane is housed at the ICAR-Indian Institute of Sugarcane Research, Lucknow (Uttar Pradesh), India. The Coordination Unit is entrusted with the tasks of preparing EFC memo of the project and formulating annual action plan for execution at different cooperating centers. Coordinated programme in each discipline is closely monitored by the Principal Investigator of the concerned discipline. Ensuring execution of technical programme, release of budget to different centers, and monitoring of research progress is done by the Project Coordinator and monitoring teams constituted by the PC(S). The experimental progress is reviewed regularly during the Annual Workshops/ Group Meetings. The selection of better entries/ clones from Initial Varietal trials (IVT) to Advanced Varietal Trials (AVT) and Zonal Varietal trials (ZVT) is done in the Breeders’ Meet, attended by all the Breeders and Plant Protection Scientists working at different centers. The workshop/ group meetings are organized by the Coordination Unit as per the approved agenda. The Project Coordinator is assisted by the four scientists each from Crop Production, Crop Improvement, Plant Pathology and Entomology as well as three technical staff at the headquarters. The identification of promising genotypes for sending to CVRC is done confidentially by the Varietal Identification Committee-Chaired by the Dy. Director General (Crop Sciences).
Contact Details (Scientist, Technical & Administrative)
Dr Dinesh Singh Project Coordinator
Dr S K Yadav Senior Scientist
(Agronomy) Mob:09402134428 |
Dr Lalan Sharma Senior Scientist (Plant
Pathology) Mob:08004081721
Mr Adil Zubair Chief Technical
Officer Mob:09451086378 |
Mrs Mamta Chakraborty Principal Private Secretary Mob:900505686
Mr Alok Kumar Singh Senior Technician Mob:8541923939 |
Contact Details (AICRP(S) Principal Investigators)
Dr.G Hemaprabha Director and AICRP(S) PI(Crop Improvement)
Dr. R. Viswanathan Director & Principal Investigator (Pathology), AICRP(S)
Mob:9442543875 |
Dr T K Srivastava Principal Scientist & AICRP(S) PI Crop Production)
Dr Sharmila Roy Principal Scientist & AICRP(S) PI (Entomology)
7742049376 |