Plant Pathology

Studies related to pathology are the integral part of varietal development program. However,importent control measures of some diseases are given below:

Chemical control of smut:

Sett treatment by dipping of setts (10 minutes) in Carbendazim (0.2%) is recommended for management of smut and increase of cane yield

Management of brown rust of sugarcane:

Two sprays of propineb (0.2%) or mancozeb 75 WP (0.3%) at 15 days intervals from the initiation of the symptoms were found effective against the disease. The cost benefit ratio was the highest (1.02) by Mancozeb 75 WP (0.3%).

Chemical control of rust:

Propineb @ 0.25% and Mancozeb @ 0.20% were found to be effective against rust. Either of the fungicides should be sprayed on the foliage just after the appearance of rust pustules, thrice at 15 days interval.

Integrated disease management:

Integrated disease management (IDM) practices, like use of resistant variety, healthy seed from crop raised from heat-treated seed cane, sett treatment with systemic fungicides, roguing of diseased plants, foliar spray of Copper oxychloride and Dithiocarbamate fungicides against foliar diseases may be adopted for higher germination and cane yield.