About the Centre
Sugarcane Research Centre, Dr. Panjabrao Deshmukh Krishi
Vidyapeeth, Akola was established in the year 1974. This Center is
working voluntarily on sugarcane and conducting the AICRP since
1992. The average rainfall of the station is 788.80 mm (Jan - Dec).
The planting of Suru sugarcane is followed in Wardha, Yavatmal,
Nagpur and Bhandara districts of Vidarbha. But, productivity is less
due to high temperature & water stress during tillering phase
(summer season). The special attraction of location is Gajanan
Maharaj Temple, Shegaon, about 45 km from Akola The suitable season
to visit Vidarbha is during December and January month.
Contact Details:-
Dr. Sachin V Patil Senior Research Scientist
sachinvshinde9@gmail.com srssugarcane@pdkv.ac.in
Shri. A.B. Kandalkar
Mob:9403029989 Ashok.kandalkar@rediffmail.com
Dr. G. K. Lande Mob: 7588962199 gajannan1975@gmail.com
Crop Improvement (Breeding)
- Recommended suitable varieties for Vidarbha under pre-seasonal
planting Co 419, Co 740, Co 7219, CoM 7125, Co 7527, CoM 7714, Co
86032, Co 8014, CoC 671,Co 94012, Co 7219, CoM 7714, Co 740, Co
86032, Co 8014 and CoC 671 for pre-seasonal planting.
Crop Production (Agronomy)
- Fertilizer recommendations for seasonal, pre-seasonal and ratoon
sugarcane (175:100:100 kg/ha) and for seed production (350:150:150
kg/ha) for Vidarbha region.
- Recommended soil application of zinc sulphate @ 25 kg/ha at
- Press mud cake has been evaluated and found that phosphate
requirement of sugarcane can be meet through application of 7.5 tone
/ha PMC
- Worked out irrigation requirement of sugarcane and recommended
trash mulching to save 10 irrigation.
- For water economy drip irrigation system is recommended
- Recommended weedicide Atrazine @ 2.5 kg /ha.
- Inter cropping of onion in conventional planting of sugarcane
and ground nut in pair row planting pattern of seasonal sugarcane is
- Fertilizer application to seed crop in six splits @ 350 kg N +
150 kg P2O5 +150 kg K2O /ha.
- Application of 75 % of recommended N through inorganics (131 kg
N ha-1) + 25% of N through FYM (7.5 t ha-1 N) + Bio-fertilizers (
Azotobacter +PSB @ 10 kg ha-1 each) + Bio-pesticide (Trichoderma @
2.5 kg ha-1) for suru sugarcane and in addition to above, trash
mulching and green manuring of Sunhemp (Rhizobium inoculated @ 25 g/
kg seed) each in alternate rows for ratoon is recommended for
increasing yield, NMR and improving physico-chemical properties of
soil. (AICRP 2008-09) For higher NMR, in paird row planting of
pre-seasonal sugarcane (90x180cm) intercropping of onion (15x15cm),
raddish (45x15cm)and cabbage(45x60cm) is recommended
Crop Protection (Entomology)
- Release of 35 earthworms /kg of substrate is recommended for
conversion of half decomposed sugarcane trash into vermicompost
within a period of 60 days.
Crop Protection (Pathology)
- For the control of whip smut disease in sugarcane setts must be
dip in 0.1 % carbendazim solution for 10 minutes