Regional Agricultural Research Station, Anakapalle (ACHARYA N. G. RANGA AGRICULTURAL UNIVERSITY)
About the Centre
Agricultural Research Station was established in the year 1913 at Anakapalle, and the preliminary research at Samalkot till 1902 indicated the need for intensification of research on sugarcane. The research station is located at 17o38' N latitude, 83o01' E longitude and 28.62 M altitude on Anakapalle-Chodavaram Road 40 km away from Visakhapatnam. The research station farm consists of 103 acres, of which 76.0 acres is cultivated and 27 acres is under roads and buildings. There are 21 staff quarters to accommodate the staff. The farm is irrigated with the support of bore wells and also canals. The farm soils are sandy loams with clay base with a PH of 6.5 to 8.0 and available organic carbon content of 0.1 to 0.5%. The farm receives a total of rainfall of 1012 mm both from Southwest and Northeast monsoon.
Officials and their contacts
Salient achievements / recommendations for inclusion in the website like major sugarcane varieties along with area occupied, average yield and sugar recovery
Crop Improvement
Varieties developed
In Andhra Pradesh, sugarcane is cultivated in an area of 0.8 lakh ha and the area is declining gradually due to scarcity of labour for timely field operations especially for harvesting and labour wages also increased enormously, leading to high cost of cultivation (approximately Rs. 70,000/ acre). Continuous efforts are in progress at different sugarcane research stations functioning under ANGRAU to develop high yielding sucrose rich clones and cost reduction technologies for profitable cane cultivation.
In Andhra Pradesh 30-35% of the area is under CoV 09356 (Bharani) and 25-30% area is under CoA 92081 (87A 298) and rest of the area is occupied by varieties like Co 86032, CoA 08323 (2003A 255), CoT 10367 (2005T 16) etc., The varieties CoA 92081(87A 298) and CoV 09356 (2003V 46), CoT 10367 (2005T 16) are also under cultivation in neighbouring states like Odisha, Tamil Nadu and Telangana.
The newly released varieties are spreading in different sugarcane growing areas replacing old varieties. The variety CoA 08323 (2003A 255) which is a drought tolerant variety is being grown by farmers under rainfed conditions. The variety CoA 14321 (2009A 107) an early maturing sugarcane variety was released during 2020 developed from CoA 92081 (87A 298), occupied about 12-17% and spreading at a faster rate in different sugar factory operational areas as well as in jaggery area. A midlate variety CoA 14323 (2009A 252) (Naveen) was also released during 2020 and gaining popularity among the farmers of North Coastal districts.
S.No. | Clone No. | Name of the variety | Group | Yield (t/ha) | Year of release | State / Central release | Special characters* | Name of the station which developed the variety |
1 | CoA 14321 | Vasista(2009A 107) | Early | 135.00 | 2020 | SVRC | RARS, Anakapalle | |
2 | CoA 14323 | Naveen(2009A 252) | Midalte | 125.00 | 2020 | SVRC | RARS, Anakapalle |
Crop Protection
- During survey and surveillance, new insect pests were identified in sugarcane agro-eco system of Andhra Pradesh:
- An invasive pest, fall army worm, Spodoptera frugiperda in sugarcane was observed during 2019.
- An invasive pest, Rugose spiraling whitefly, Aleurodicus rugioperculatus Martin was noticed in sugarcane during 2020.
Plant Pathology
Technologies / variety for specific condition / location / any other special feature, major intervention which improved the productivity / recovery of sugarcane in the domain area Crop Improvement:
Strengthening of tissue culture laboratory was done and produced disease free tissue culture seedlings. Tissue culture seedlings were supplied to sugar factories and seed cane obtained from the TCPs was supplied to farmers.
Success story / impact of technologies in improving the farmers income
Sri Sayam Raghunath, a progressive farmer from Bangaru metta village of Butchiyyapeta mandal of Chodavaram (Visakhapatnam district) has grown new sugarcane variety 2009A 107 (CoA 14321) during 2019-20 with single node seedlings under paired row planting, drip irrigation and obtained higher cane yield of 120 tons per hectare when compared to old variety with traditional method of cultivation (100 t/ha). He got additional returns of Rs. 14,000/- per hectare.

Sri Bonda Simhachalam Naidu, a farmer in Lakkavaram village, Chodavaram mandal planted 2009A 107 during 2019-20 in an area of one acre. He harvested a total quantity of 56 tons of cane per acre. With this experience he planted 2009A 107 in an area of 4.0 ac during 2020-21 and he got 20% extra yield less disease and pest incidence when compared to the old variety Co 7508.