Sugarcane Research Station, Bethuadahari, Nadia, West Bengal
About the Centre
This research station is situated at Bethuadahari, in Nadia district of West Bengal, on the southern side of the National Highway No. 34 at the latitude of 23o36'54" N and 88o22’22”E longitude with 15 meter altitude from mean sea level. Average maximum temperature ranges from 24oC to 36oC (Mean-31.5oC)and average minimum temperature ranges from 11oC to 26oC (Mean-21�C). Average number of rainy days (˃2.5mm) is 5.5 to 6 per month with annual rainfall ranges from 1250 mm to 1750 mm. Suitable season for visitors to visit this research station is during Autumn(September end to November).Officials and their contacts
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Variety Developed:
� Madhuri(CoB-94164) which is a Midlate, tolerant to Top Borer and MR to Red rot, Smut and Wilt.
� Swapan(CoB-99161)- A High yielding, very tall variety, non lodging and MR to Red rot and Smut. Tolerant to both water submergence & drought.
Major Achievements:
A. Crop Improvement
• Seed bed preparation:Horse dung manure, vermin-compost, cow dung manure, silt and sand in the ratio of 1:1:1:3:1 and Trichoderma viridae and Pseudomonas fluorescence (1:1) mixed in the seedbeds @ 20 gm/sq meter was found better for seedling growth.
• Double Transplanting Method: i.e. First transplanting at 10 weeks old sugarcane seedlings in Initial Ground Nursery at a spacing of 15 cm both row-row & plant to plant and Second transplanting from the Initial Ground Nursery at 8 weeks after first transplanting in the Final Ground Nursery at a spacing of 90 cm both row-row & plant to plant gave an excellent Ground Nursery and showed vigorous plant growth as compared to single transplanting at 10 weeks old.
B. Crop Production:
Nutrient Management:
In order to sustain the soil health and crop productivity the application of 25% of the recommended dose of N through farmyard manure (FYM) and 75% of the recommended dose of N through inorganic along with Azotobacter and Azospirillum inoculation before cane planting is recommended for sugarcane based cropping system.
In order to enhance the germination and plant growth the planting of setts in 100 ppm Ethrel solution and gibberellic acid spray (35ppm) at 90, 120 and 150 days after planting was found beneficial. Sulphur @ 40 – 60kg/ha in sugarcane plant crop needs to be applied in sulphur deficient soils.
As regards source of sulphur, Bentonite sulphur proved more effective and economical. � The application of herbicide Metribuzine @ 1.25kg/ha as pre- emergence coupled with the application of Almix 20g/ha at 75 days after planting (DAP) proved more effective and economic than three manual hoeings at 30, 60 and 90 DAP.
� Management of weeds in plant crop:
The application of herbicide Metribuzine @ 1.25kg/ha as pre- emergence coupled with the application of Almix 20g/ha at 75 days after planting (DAP) proved more effective and economic than three manual hoeings at 30, 60 and 90 DAP.
Critical period of crop weed competition in spring planted sugarcane (cv. BO 91) ranged from 30 – 90 days after planting.