Regional Research Station, Faridkot

About the Centre

Geographical location : It represents the South-western zone of India.

Geographical coordinates in decimal degrees (WGS84) : Latitude - 30o667', Longitude - 74o750'

Geographical coordinates in degrees minutes seconds (WGS84) : Latitude :- 30o 40' 00'', Longitude - 74o 45' 00''

Climatic parameter

Temperature : Average temperature (maximum) is 41.1oC in May, and average temperature (minimum) is 5.1oC in January.

Rainfall :Annual rainfall is 419mm, while PET is 1424mm.

Soil : Soil is alluvial in origin, coarse to fine in texture and alkaline in nature having pH >7.5.

Ground water : Sub-soil water is brackish-salty, and water table varies from 2 m to 10 m below ground level.

Suitability for sugarcane : Well suited climatic weather for sugarcane crop

Suitable season for visitors : September to October months

Contact Details:-

Dr Kuldeep Singh
Principal Agronomist (Sugarcane)
Mob: 09417175970
Dr Vikrant Singh
Sugarcane Breeder
Mob: 09455229716


Varieties developed and released

CoJ 85, CoJ 88, CoJ 89, CoPb 91, CoPb 92, CoPb 93, CoPb 94

Varieties evaluated and released

CoS 8436, CoH 119, Co 118, Co 0238

Major interventions (Technologies recommended)

  • Chickpea as an intercrop for autumn planted sugarcane.
  • Paired row trench planting of sugarcane for higher water use efficiency.
  • Planting of sugarcane in sanding wheat using Furrow Irrigated Raised Bed (FIRB) system.
  • Sub-surface drip irrigation: surface drip/sub-surface drip, water is applied in micro amount directly to the root zone using a network of tubes and dippers/emitters placed along the water-delivery line. This involves precise control and manipulation of soil moisture temporally and spatially, which improves water economy, growth and ultimately crop yield. The uniformity of water application in drip irrigation goes about 95%, if the system is properly planned and operated.
  • Garlic as an intercrop in autumn sugarcane.
  • For garlic intercropped in autumn sugarcane, one pre emergence application of Stomp 30 EC (Pendimethalin) @ 1 litre within two days or Goal 23.5 EC (Oxyflurofen) @ 400 ml per acre within one week of planting of garlic in 225 litre of water for weed control.
  • Azotobactor bio fertilizer @ 10 kg per ha through furrow application at the time of sugarcane planting.
  • Azotobactor/Consortium bio fertilizer @ 10 kg per ha through furrow application at the time of sugarcane planting
  • Cross sub-soiling at 1.0 meter spacing once in three to four years before preparing the field for sugarcane planting.
  • Wider row spacing (at 120 cm or 120:30 cm) for mechanical harvesting of sugarcane.
  • CoJ 88 variety is recommended for saline water conditions