G.B. Pant University of Agriculture Technology, Pantnagar
About the Centre
Pantnagar is located at the foothills of Himalayas (Shiwalik
range) and geographically falls in the humid subtropical climate
zone. It is situated at 29o North latitude,79.3o East longitudes and
at an altitude of 243.84 m above the mean sea level. The region is
popularly known as ‘Tarai’ due to subtropical humid climate.
Contact Details:-
Dr A S Jeena Senior Breeder & Programme Coordinator
Mob:7500241511 dr.asjeena@gmail.com
Dr Geeta Sharma Junior Research Officer (Sugarcane Pathology)
Mob:9410111625 geetash30@gmail.com
- Nine Varieties namely CoPant 84211 (CVRC), CoPant 84212 (SVRC),
CoPant 90223 (CVRC), CoPant 94211 (SVRC), CoPant 96219 (SVRC),
CoPant 97222 (CVRC), CoPant 99214 (SVRC), CoPant 03220 (SVRC),
CoPant 05224 (SVRC) released for cultivation in Uttarakhand as well
as north west zone.
- Three clones CoPant 16221, CoPant 16222 (Early) and CoPant 16223
(Midlate) entered in ZVT.
- One clone Co Pant 12221(Early) is performing well in
AICRP-Sugarcane zonal trials and advanced to AVT-II trial and
another early clone CoPant 14222 is being tested in IVT during
- Two midlate clones namely Co Pant 12226 and CoPant 13224 are
performing well in AICRP-Sugarcane zonal trials and advanced to
AVT-II and AVT-I trials, respectively during 2017-18.
- More than 50 research paper, symposium abstract and articles
were published and scientists participated in a number of radio / TV
talk and extension activities.