1. Details of Location:
Vasantdada Sugar Institute (VSI), formerly known as Deccan Sugar Institute, is an autonomous body which is a Registered Society registered under the Societies Registration Act, 1860 and under the Bombay Public Trusts Act, 1950. It has been set up to serve the Sugar Industry in India in general and Maharashtra in particular. Established by sugarcane grower members of the co-operative sugar factories in Maharashtra with an active and generous support of Government of Maharashtra, it is the only organization of its kind in the world. The institute (VSI) is located in a typical rural set up at Manjari Budruk village near Pune city [Maharashtra State, India] on the bank of river Mula-Mutha. The geographically institute is located at latitude 180 31’ N and longitude 730 59” E. It is 15 km and 12 kilometers away from Pune Railway station and Pune Air-port respectively. The institute is about kilometers from Pune-Solapur National Highway. The average minimum temperature is about 200C and maximum is about 320C. The annual rainfall is about 800 to 1200 mm. The mandate of the centre is to bring about overall progress in the economic status of the sugarcane growers through adoption of modern, appropriate and cost- effective strategies by improving sugarcane and sugar productivity.
Contact Details:-
Dr. A.D. Kaglag Head & Principal Scientist
(Plant Breeding)
Mob:020-26902100 adkadlag@gmail.com
Dr. J. M. Repale Senior Scientist (Pl. Br.)
Mob:09420279915 jugalrepale@rediffmail.com
Dr.Dr. Preeti S. Deshmukh Senior Scientist
(Soil Science)
Mob: 9921546831 preetisdeshmukh5@gmail.com
Dr. Abhinandan Patil Scientific Officer, Agronomy Mob:9737275821 abhi9445patil@gmail.com
Mr. P. P. Shinde Scientist & Head (Agril. Engg.)
Mob:09822644287 pp.shinde@vsisugar.org.in |
Mr. B. H. Pawar Head & Sr. Scientist (Pl. Pathology) Mob:9890422275 bh.pawar@vsisugar.org.in
Mr. R.G. Yadav Head & Scientific Officer (Entomology)
Mob:9822013482 rg.yadav@vsisugar.org.in |
Dr. G.S. Kotgire Scientist,
Plant Pathology
Mob:9960833301 ganeshkotgire@gmail.com
Dr. T. D. Shitole Scientific Officer Entomology
Mob:. 09890320983 tushar_ento@yahoo.co.in |
3. Concreate findings of the centre:
Table 1 : Information on recommendations of VSI, Pune centre
Table 2: Information on success story of VSI, Pune centre
Sr.No. |
Name of section |
Success story/ impact of technologies in improving the farmers income |
1 |
Plant Breeding |
VSI 12121 variety released for Maharashtra State in the year 2018 by state seed committee and for peninsular zone in the year 2021 under AICRP(S) by CVRC and it occupied 10 % area in Maharashtra State. |
2 |
Agronomy |
- |
3 |
Soil Science |
- |
4 |
Agril. Engineering & irrigation |
- |
5 |
Entomolgy |
- |
6 |
Plant Pathology |
- |
Table 3: Information on relevant subject about VSI, Pune
Sr.No. |
Name of section |
Photographs of experiments/visits of dignitaries |
1 |
Plant Breeding-VSI 12121 |
2 |
Agronomy |
- |
3 |
Soil Science |
- |
4 |
Agril. Engineering & irrigation |
- |
5 |
Entomolgy |
- |
6 |
Plant Pathology |
- |