Sugarcane Research Station, Seorahi
Contact Details:-
Dr. Y.P.
Bharti Scientific Officer, Division of Plant Pathology
Satendra Kumar Scientific Officer, Division of Agronomy
Mob: . 06389025364, 08433125428
Dr. Krishna Nand Senior Scientific Assistant, Division of Plant Breeding
Mob: 06389025375, 09450475751
Dr. Vinay Mishra Senior Scientific Assistant, Division of Entomology
Mob: 06389025354, 09918262559
Popular varieties developed
- Co V 09-356 (2003 V 46 - Bharani): Released in 2010 by SVRC for
Andhra Pradesh. It is high yielding, sucrose rich, erect, early
maturing, non lodging variety with excellent ratooning ability and
with resistance to red rot (cf 419, cf 671, cf 997 races prevalent
in A.P.) and smut. Suitable for water logged and irrigated
conditions and also uplands. Suitable for multiratooning. Suitable
for for machine harvesting. Recording higher yields in water logged
conditions and in Coastal areas with saline irrigation water than
other varieties. Gives good quality jaggery. It has become popular
in all sugar factory areas in A.P.and also cultivated in Tamilnadu,
Orissa and Telangana.
- Co V 94101 (86 V 96): It is high yielding, sucrose rich, early
maturing variety with resistance to red rot (cf 419, cf 671, cf 997
races prevalent in A.P.) and smut. It is opening mill cane and
suitable for I–D conditions and garden lands. It can not tolerate
drought and waterlogging. Gives good quality jaggery. It is
cultivated in A.P.and Tamilnadu.
- Co V 92102 (83 V 15 - Kanaka Durga): Released in 2002 by SVRC
for Andhra Pradesh. It is high yielding, high tillering, sucrose
rich, mid-late maturing variety with good ratooning ability and
resistant to red rot (cf 419, cf 671, cf 997 races prevalent in
A.P.) and smut. It is suitable for irrigated, rainfed, water logged
conditions, problematic soils and also for rainfed late planting.
Gives good quality jaggery. It is susceptible to post harvest
deterioration. It can be planted after taking rabi
pulses/turmeric/elephant yam etc. i.e., in April also. It is
cultivated in A.P. and Tamilnadu.
- 93 V 297: It is high yielding, sucrose rich, early maturing
variety with thick canes. It is opening mill cane and gives higher
recovery in the factories. It is suitable for irrigated and
waterlogged conditions. Gives good quality jaggery. It is tolerant
to smut but as it became susceptible to cf 419 and cf 671 races of
red rot, now confined to uplands and borewell irrigated areas in
A.P. and also in Telangana.
- Co V 95101 (91 V 83 – Krishna): Released in 2002 by SVRC for
Andhra Pradesh. It is high yielding, sucrose rich, erect, early
maturing, opening mill cane with solid cane and longer internodes.
It is good ratooner and resistant to red rot (cf 419, cf 671, cf 997
races prevalent in A.P.) and smut. It is suitable for irrigated and
waterlogged conditions. Susceptible to GSD and post harvest
- CoV 89101(81 V 48): Released in 1996 by SVRC for Andhra Pradesh.
It is high yielding, sucrose rich, high tillering variety with
resistance to smut. Cane yield and sugar recovery in Krishna
district increased by cultivation of this variety but now withdrawn
from cultivation due to susceptibility to cf 419 race of red rot. It
is widely used variety in crossing programme by breeders from all
over India and good number of selections with high sucrose were
forwarded to final yield trials.
- Co V 92103 (83 V 288): It is high yielding, mid-late maturing
variety and highly suitable for lanka soils. It is resistant to smut
and field tolerant to red rot. Mostly it is planted after taking
rabi pulses/turmeric/elephant yam etc. i.e., in April in Krishna
district of A.P.
- 98 V 95: It is high yielding, early maturing variety with
suitable for irrigated and waterlogged conditions. It is resistant
to red rot and smut. Cultivated in Krishna district of A.P. both in
irrigated and waterlogged conditions.
- 2002 V 48: It is high yielding, mid- late maturing variety with
resistance to smut and field tolerance to red rot. It is suitable
for irrigated, waterlogged conditions and up lands. Cultivated in
Krishna district of A.P. in irrigated and waterlogged conditions and
lanka soils.
Other varieties with high potential of yield and quality viz.,
Co 8013, Co V 92101 (82 V 12), 89 V 74, Co C 85036, 97 V 97, 98 V
100, CoV 05-356 (99 V 30) and CoV 06-356 (2000 V 59) were cultivated
in different periods in different factory areas.
Vuyyuru varieties suitable for waterlogging and resistant to red
rot (cf 419, cf 671, cf 997 races prevalent in A.P.): Co V 09-356
(2003 V 46), Co V 92102 (83 V15), Co V 95101 (91 V 83), 98 V 95, Co
V 05-356 (99 V 30), Co V 06-356 (2000 V 59), Co V 07-356 (2000 V
160), Co V 12-356 (2006 V 51), Co V 12-357 (2005 V 96), Co V 13-356
(2006 V 41), Co V 14-356 (2007 V 127), Co V 15-356 (2009 V 127), Co
V 16-356 (2010 V 32), Co V 16-357 (2010 V 146)
Vuyyuru varieties suitable for saline water irrigated
conditions: Co V 09-356 (2003 V 46), Co V 92102 (83 V15), CoV 05-356
(99 V 30), Co V 12-356 (2006 V 51), Co V 12-357 (2005 V 96), Co V
13-356 (2006 V 41), Co V 14-356 (2007 V 127).
Major interventions which improved the productivity/recovery of
- The herbicides metribuzine @ 1.0kg a.i./ha (or) oxyflourfen @
0.2 l/ha were effective in controlling weeds as pre emergence or
early post emergence (35-40 DAP) application in sugarcane.
- Paired row (2’/4’) planting was found better to facilitate
mechanical harvesting instead of wide row planting due to lodging
problem in coastal areas.
- Surface or sub-surface drip are equally effective with paired
row planting. With drip there was 35% yield increase and 26% water
- Co V 09-356 (2003 V 46) is suitable for delayed harvesting up to
11th month without losing yield and quality and also suitable for
delayed crushing upto 48 hours without deterioration in juice
quality and reduction in cane weight.
- Substitution of Phosphobacteria @ 8 kg /ha and VAM @ 5 kg /ha
combinedly reduced the use of chemical phosphate fertilizers upto
- Soil application of Trichoderma viride and Pseudomonas
aeruginosa at the time of planting reduced the red rot disease
intensity drastically and improved the yield and quality.
- Sett treatment with propiconazole @ 0.1% was most effective in
control of settborne infection of smut both in plant and ratoon
- Integrated red rot disease management module was developed i.e.,
exploitation of native potential biocontrol agents and need based
foliar spray of the fungicide in combination of other
cultural/agronomical strategies has high potential to manage the
disease under field conditions.
- Spraying of chlorantraniliprole 0.3 ml / l of water is
recommended to manage Early Shoot Borer.
- Field release of egg parasite, Trichograrmma chilonis @50,000/ha
at weekly intervals from 4th week after planting upto 90th day will
reduce Early Shoot Borer.
- Spraying Acephate / Acetamiprid / Imidacloprid reduced white fly
and scale insect incidence.