About the Centre
U.P. Council of Sugarcane Research was established
as a research centre by Mr. George Clarke, the then Agriculture
Chemist and later Director of Agriculture in 1912 at Shahjahanpur.
This organization was recognized as ‘U.P. Council of Sugarcane
Research’ an autonomous body equivalent to Indian Council of
Agricultural Research (ICAR) at Shahjahanpur with effect from
January 01, 1977. The AICRP(S) experiments were started from 1979
onwards. At present four departments viz., Crop improvement
(Breeding), Agronomy, Pathology and Entomology are actively involved
in conducting the experiments as per technical programme provided by
Project Coordinator (Sugarcane).
Shahjahanpur is located at 27o880' N 79o910' E. It is a
great historical city established in the name of Mugal emperor
Shahjahan. It is martyr’s city and birth place of three great
martyrs of freedom movement viz., Pt. Ram Prasad Bismil, Ashfaque
Ullah Khan and Thakur Roshan Singh. It is situated between Lucknow
and Bareilly on Northern Railway line and NH-24, 176 Km from Lucknow
and 320 Km from Delhi. Climatic condition is sub-tropical with
average maximum temperature in May between 41.2-45.2oC and minimum
in January 2.2-3.6oC, with average rainfall of 900-1000mm.
Contact Details:-
Dr. Sudhir Kumar Shukla Director
Mob: 6389025301 dirupcsr@gmail.com,sudhirshukla151@gmail.com
Dr. Subhash Chandra Singh Senior Scientific Officer (Agronomy)
Mob: 6389025304 subhashupcsr11@gmail.com
Kumar Scientific Officer (Breeding)
6389025309 akumar.upcsr@gmail.com
Dr. Sujeet Pratap Singh Scientific Officer (Plant Pathology) Mob: 6389025312 sujeetsugarcane@rediffmail.com
Dr. Shri Prakash Yadav Scientific Officer (Agronomy) 6389025311
- Twelve varieties (CoS 767, 7918, 91230, 95255, 94270, 96268 and
CoS 96275 for North West Zone and CoSe 95422, 92423, 96234, 96436,
CoSe 01421 and CoSe 09453 for North Central Zone) have been released
and notified by the Central Sub-Committee on Crop Standards,
Notification and Release of Varieties, New Delhi.
- Recently two early varieties viz., CoSe 01421(Imarti) and CoSe
05451(Narayani) were identified and released for North Central Zone.
CoS 10231 (early) and CoS 09232 (midlate) were found promising in
North West Zone.