Online applications for sale of sugarcane seed (spring planting) will be accepted from February 01, 2025           Link to AICRP Reporter           Email addresses of IISR, Lucknow officials          

     Click for Seed Purchase 



MoU Signed between ICAR-ISRI, Lucknow and M/s Punjab Engineers, Meerut for Advancing Sugarcane Mechanization

भाकृअनुप-भारतीय गन्ना अनुसंधान संस्थान, लखनऊ में �प्रधानमंत्री किसान सम्मान निधि समारोह का आयोजन�

ICAR Indian Sugarcane Research Institute launches IKSHU Cane Sugarcane Model

भारतीय गन्ना अनुसंधान संस्थान, लखनऊ ने मनाया अपना 74वाँ स्थापना दिवस

Training program on "Biological Control of Pests in Sugarcane" organised by the ICAR-ISRI, Biological Control Centre, Pravaranagar

Start-up by National Fertilizers Limited

MoU Signed between IISR, Lucknow and SID Patna Bihar

MoU signed between IISR Lucknow and TSL Bagaha (Bihar)

MoU signed between IISR, Lucknow and Harinagar Sugar Mills Harinagar (Bihar)

MoU signed between ICAR-IISR, Lucknow and NSSM, Narkatiyaganj(Bihar)

Launch of Parthenium Awareness Week (Aug. 16-22, 2024) by ICAR-Indian Institute of Sugarcane Research

National Service Scheme Plantation Campaign with the Theme �Ek Ped MaaKeNaam� Plant4Mother Campaign

Visit of Management trainees from DCM SHRIRAM

IISR participates in ISSCT on 13th Breeding and Germplasm 10th Molecular Biology Workshop 2024

ICAR - Indian Institute of Sugarcane Research, Lucknow conferred with the Agriculture Leadership Award 2024

पांच दिवसीय आवासीय प्रशिक्षण कार्यक्रम "गन्ना आधारित फसल प्रणाली में यांत्रिकीकरण का महत्व" का आयोजन

संस्थान में मना अंतर्राष्ट्रीय योग दिवस

An interaction meeting with Dr. B. Venkateswarlu on Climate Change, its impact and mitigation

Live telecast program of Pradhan Mantri Kisan Samman Nidhi

Collaboration continues between IISR and Govt of Bihar

MoU signed between ICAR-IISR, Lucknow and ERA University, Lucknow

IISR, Lucknow organized workshop on �Promotion of climate resilient crops/ varieties/ seeds� under Mission LIFE

Celebration of World Intellectual Property Day, 2024

Secretary DARE & DG, ICAR laid the foundation stone of Ikshu Hostel and interacted with students of IARI Mega University Lucknow hub at ICAR-IISR, Lucknow

One-day Farmer Training Programme on�Identification and Management of Major Sugarcane Borers�under SC-SP Plan at ICAR-IISR, Biological Control Centre, Pravaranagar (MS)

ICAR-IISR, Lucknow celebrated International Women�s Day 2024

Institute organised National Seminar on "Mechanization of Sugarcane Cultivation"

ICAR-IISR KVK Lakhimpur Khiri-II Inaugurated

ICAR-IISR, Lucknow displayed Institute�s technologies and development at exhibition stall in the Regional Agriculture Fair for Eastern Region 2024 at KVK, Diyankal, Torpa Block, Khunti (Jharkhand) during February 03-05, 2024

One-day awareness workshop on Intellectual Property Rights at IISR, Lucknow

ICAR-Indian Institute of Sugarcane Research, Lucknow Celebrates its 73rd Foundation Day

ICAR-IISR, Lucknow organized "National Conference on Plant Health for Food Security: Threats & Promises"

Pre-conference Press release for Organization of a National Conference on Plant Health for Food Security at ICAR-IISR, Lucknow

Director, ICAR-IISR, Lucknow visited ICAR-IISR, Biological Control Centre, Pravaranagar (Maharashtra)

One-day Farmer Training Programme on�Integrated Management of White grubsInfesting Sugarcane� under SC-SP Plan at ICAR-IISR, Biological Control Centre, Pravaranagar (MS)

ICAR-IISR, displayed institute�s technologies and development stall in 3rd International Conference at VSI, Pune from 12th -14th January 2024

ICAR-IISR, Lucknow organized “National Conference on Plant Health for Food Security: Threats & Promises”

ICAR-IISR, Lucknow organized three days “National Conference on Plant Health for Food Security: Threats & Promises” at ICAR-IISR, Lucknow from Feb 01-03, 2024 in collaboration with Indian Phytpathological Society, New Delhi. The conference was inaugurated on February 01, 2024 in the presence of the Chief Guest Dr. T.R. Sharma, Deputy Director General (Crop Science) ICAR, Guest of Honour Dr. A.N. Mukhopadhyay, Ex- VC, AAU, Jorhat, Guest of Honour Dr. P.K Singh, Agriculture Commissioner, Ministry of Agriculture & Farmers’ Welfare, Govt. of India, Guest of Honour Dr. S.C. Dubey, VC, Birsa Agriculture University, Ranchi & President, IPS, Dr. Kajal Kumar Biswas , Secretary, IPS, Dr. R. Viswanathan, Director, ICAR-IISR, Lucknow & Organizing President, Dr. Dinesh Singh, Project Coordinator (Sugarcane) & Organizing Secretary of National Conference along with more than 500 participants across different states of India. The conference was inaugurated with the lighting of lamp & playing of ICAR song. At the outset, Dr. R. Viswanathan, Director, IISR, Lucknow welcomed the dignitaries and delegates & threw light on various aspects of conference. He also briefed the audience about the activities of IISR, Lucknow.

The Chief Guest of the function Dr. T.R. Sharma, DDG (Crop Science), ICAR highlighted the emergence of new diseases in different crops adding the complexities to already existing threats to plants protection, especially in the changing climate scenario, posing a constant threat to agriculture. He stressed upon the need of bringing cutting edge technologies to the fore front in our quest for sustainable and resilient agriculture. He informed the delegates that ICAR has initiated “Genome editing” projects of more than Rs. 500 crores of which Rs. 320 crores are dedicated to crop science and horticulture. He encouraged all the delegates to actively participate in conference proceedings across the disciplines for a more resilient and successful agriculture. Dr. T. R. Sharma also inaugurated three newly developed laboratories viz. Molecular Biology Laboratory, Centralized Biotechnology and Molecular Plant Pathology Laboratory. Dr. K K Biswas, Secretary, IPS presented the annual report of IPS. The Guest of Honour Dr. P.K. Singh, Agril. Commissioner, Govt. of India spoke about the “One Health Approach” of Govt. of India that emerged after G20 and encompasses the animal, plants, soil & environment health under changing climate scenario. He emphasized upon the development of technologies which will benefit the farmers & maintain food security in India. The task is challenging and needs vigilance and alertness on our part.

Dr. S.C. Dubey, the President of IPS and VC, BAU, Ranchi spoke about the threats, in the area of plant protection, the top most threat being exotic pests and changing virulence pattern. He further informed that climate change intensifies the dynamics of diseases scenario. He stressed upon developing a holistic way to strengthening the extension and dissemination of technologies for farmers’ benefits.

Dr. A.N. Mukhopadhayay Ex-VC, Jorhat and Guest of honour informed the delegates that though we are producing 350 million tones of food grain now as compared to 50 million tones in 1947, India still stands is at 111th place on World Hunger Index. He exhorted the students to think of developing low cost technologies which farmers can easily adopt and he stressed upon the take home message of developing technologies to help poorest of the poor.

The addresses of the dignitaries were followed by the release of Conference Souvenir and a book on “Concepts of Plant Pathology & Diseases Management”. A number of awards including lifetime achievement award and IPS recognition awards were presented to the scientists for their distinguished work. Some retired plant pathologists of ICAR-IISR, Lucknow were also felicitated for their distinguished services.

Over 500 delegates including Directors of ICAR institutes Dr. G. Hemaprabha, Dr. D. K. Ghosh, Dr. R. Selvarajan, Dr. Alok Srivastava, Dr. S. N. Sushil, Dr. R.M. Sundaram, Dr. T. Damodaran and many other eminent scientists from ICAR, SAUs, universities, sugar industry, private sector and students participated as delegates. Over 400 oral and poster research papers were presented in 14 thematic technical sessions.

The valedictory session was presided over by Dr. J. S. Sandhu, former Deputy Director General (Crop Science), ICAR, New Delhi and former VC, SKNAU, Jobner, Rajasthan. Dr. S.C. Dubey, President, IPS and VC, BAU, Ranchi, Dr. T. Damodaran, Director, ICAR-CISH, Lucknow, Dr. R. Selvarajan, Director, ICAR-NRC on Banana, Trichy, Dr. Dilip Ghosh, President elect, IPS and Director, ICAR-Central Citrus Research Institute, Nagpur were present as guests of honour.

Dr. J. S. Sandhu, in his presidential address during plenary session advised that small documentaries on the research achievements of stalwarts in the field of plant pathology should be made and screened during the conference in order to inspire the young minds. He felicitated various award winners of the conference including IPS Fellowship and, student winners of MJN Academic Merit award and IPS-APS travel grant award. Winners of the best oral and poster papers under different themes were also announced.

Dr. Dilip Ghosh expressed happiness over successful completion of National Conference and assured the delegates to initiate active national and international collaboration in future. Dr. Damodaran appreciated the take home message of conference as to how to plan research strategies to mitigate invasive diseases in perennial crops. Dr. Selvarajan applauded the pan India participation of delegates. Dr. Dinesh Singh, PC (Sugarcane) & Organizing Secretary proposed the vote of thanks during inaugural and plenary session.

Dr. R. Viswanathan welcomed the delegates and, expressed his thanks for their active participation and fruitful discussions over the last 3 days.

The delegates thanks the organizers for smooth and well organized conduct of the conference and organizing an electrifying cultural performance on Kathak dance.