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MoU Signed between ICAR-ISRI, Lucknow and M/s Punjab Engineers, Meerut for Advancing Sugarcane Mechanization

भाकृअनुप-भारतीय गन्ना अनुसंधान संस्थान, लखनऊ में �प्रधानमंत्री किसान सम्मान निधि समारोह का आयोजन�

ICAR Indian Sugarcane Research Institute launches IKSHU Cane Sugarcane Model

भारतीय गन्ना अनुसंधान संस्थान, लखनऊ ने मनाया अपना 74वाँ स्थापना दिवस

Training program on "Biological Control of Pests in Sugarcane" organised by the ICAR-ISRI, Biological Control Centre, Pravaranagar

Start-up by National Fertilizers Limited

MoU Signed between IISR, Lucknow and SID Patna Bihar

MoU signed between IISR Lucknow and TSL Bagaha (Bihar)

MoU signed between IISR, Lucknow and Harinagar Sugar Mills Harinagar (Bihar)

MoU signed between ICAR-IISR, Lucknow and NSSM, Narkatiyaganj(Bihar)

Launch of Parthenium Awareness Week (Aug. 16-22, 2024) by ICAR-Indian Institute of Sugarcane Research

National Service Scheme Plantation Campaign with the Theme �Ek Ped MaaKeNaam� Plant4Mother Campaign

Visit of Management trainees from DCM SHRIRAM

IISR participates in ISSCT on 13th Breeding and Germplasm 10th Molecular Biology Workshop 2024

ICAR - Indian Institute of Sugarcane Research, Lucknow conferred with the Agriculture Leadership Award 2024

पांच दिवसीय आवासीय प्रशिक्षण कार्यक्रम "गन्ना आधारित फसल प्रणाली में यांत्रिकीकरण का महत्व" का आयोजन

संस्थान में मना अंतर्राष्ट्रीय योग दिवस

An interaction meeting with Dr. B. Venkateswarlu on Climate Change, its impact and mitigation

Live telecast program of Pradhan Mantri Kisan Samman Nidhi

Collaboration continues between IISR and Govt of Bihar

MoU signed between ICAR-IISR, Lucknow and ERA University, Lucknow

IISR, Lucknow organized workshop on �Promotion of climate resilient crops/ varieties/ seeds� under Mission LIFE

Celebration of World Intellectual Property Day, 2024

Secretary DARE & DG, ICAR laid the foundation stone of Ikshu Hostel and interacted with students of IARI Mega University Lucknow hub at ICAR-IISR, Lucknow

One-day Farmer Training Programme on�Identification and Management of Major Sugarcane Borers�under SC-SP Plan at ICAR-IISR, Biological Control Centre, Pravaranagar (MS)

ICAR-IISR, Lucknow celebrated International Women�s Day 2024

Institute organised National Seminar on "Mechanization of Sugarcane Cultivation"

ICAR-IISR KVK Lakhimpur Khiri-II Inaugurated

ICAR-IISR, Lucknow displayed Institute�s technologies and development at exhibition stall in the Regional Agriculture Fair for Eastern Region 2024 at KVK, Diyankal, Torpa Block, Khunti (Jharkhand) during February 03-05, 2024

One-day awareness workshop on Intellectual Property Rights at IISR, Lucknow

ICAR-Indian Institute of Sugarcane Research, Lucknow Celebrates its 73rd Foundation Day

ICAR-IISR, Lucknow organized "National Conference on Plant Health for Food Security: Threats & Promises"

Pre-conference Press release for Organization of a National Conference on Plant Health for Food Security at ICAR-IISR, Lucknow

Director, ICAR-IISR, Lucknow visited ICAR-IISR, Biological Control Centre, Pravaranagar (Maharashtra)

One-day Farmer Training Programme on�Integrated Management of White grubsInfesting Sugarcane� under SC-SP Plan at ICAR-IISR, Biological Control Centre, Pravaranagar (MS)

ICAR-IISR, displayed institute�s technologies and development stall in 3rd International Conference at VSI, Pune from 12th -14th January 2024

Books / Manuals

Improved Sugarcane Mechanisation Technologies Sukhbir Singh, A K Singh and A D Pathak Free
Compendium on "Recent Approaches for Doubling Farmers Income in Sugarcane Based Cropping System (Winter School)" Sudhir Kumar Shukla, V P Jaiswal, Lalan Sharma Free
आत्मनिर्भर भारत - लोकल के लिए वोकल ए के साह, एम के त्रिपाठी, वी के सिंह, श्वेता सिंह, ब्रह्म प्रकाश, ए के सिंह Free
INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS L S Gangwar, Kamini Singh, Brahm Prakash and A D Pathak Free
Cane Node Technology for Sugarcane Planting. 2020 S N Singh, A D Pathak, T K Srivastava, Ajay Kumar Sah and Chandra Gupta Free
Doubling Farmers’ Income in Sugarcane Sector. 2019 Ajay Kumar Sah and A D Pathak Free
Entrepreneurship in Sugarcane sector to Double Farmers’ Income. 2018 Ajay kumar Sah, Pathak A D and B Lal Free
Sugarcane Production Technology, 2017 Ajay Kumar Sah, B Lal and A D Pathak Free
गन्ना उत्पादन मे उपयोगी जैव तकनीक एस के शुक्ल एवं टी के श्रीवास्तव 100
गन्ना किसान मार्गदर्शिका (Farmers’ Guide to Sugarcane Cultivation) 2014 अजय कुमार साह, शिव नायक सिंह एवं सुशील सोलोमन फ्री
गन्ना उत्पादन मे सिचाई जल प्रबंधन राजेंद्र गुप्ता एवं कामता प्रसाद 100
उत्तर प्रदेश मे गन्ना खेती की किसानोपयोगी आवश्यक जानकारी एस के श्रीवास्तव, एस के दत्तमजुमदार एवं सुशील सोलोमन 50
गन्ना आधारित फसल पद्धति, बदलता परिदृश्य एवं तकनीकी विकास अनिल कुमार सिंह एवं सुशील सोलोमन 200
रस धारा एस के शुक्ल 100
Bio-resource Management in Sugarcane Cultivation S K Shukla and T K Shrivastava 150
Agro-technique for Sugarcane Wheat System Ishwar Singh and T K Shrivastava 100
Sugarcane Ratoon (Problems & Prospects) S K Shukla T K Shrivastava and G K Singh 350
Manual for Sugar Analysis (Technical Bulletin No. 36) V K Mishra, S R Mishra, N Soni and S Solomon 75
Sugar Production in 21st century, exploring potential of high sugar early ripening verities (Technical Bulletin No. 38) A K Shrivastava, H N Shahi, S Solomon, Jagdish Lal, N Kulshreshtha 125
50 Years of Sugarcane Research in India H N Shahi, A K Shrivastava and O K Sinha 250
Red Rot of Sugarcane S K Duttamajumdar 400
Forty Five Years of AICRP on Sugarcane O K Sinha, Rajesh Kumar, S K Chaudhary and Adil Zubair Free
Cane management & development in Sugar Mills Reserved Zone R L Yadav, D V Yadav and R P Verma Rs.500
Ganna Utpadan ki Unnat Krishi Takneek R L Yadav, D V Yadav and R P Verma Rs.250
गन्ना आलह श्री साहब दीन, श्री कामता प्रसाद, एवं डा टी के श्रीवास्तव Rs.100
Socio-economic Impact of Sugarcane Production and Diversification in India L S Gangwar, S Solomon, Pushpa Singh, S S Hasan and A K Sah -