Reduced seed requirement (1 t ha-1) and rapid seed multiplication (1:60) using bud chiptechnology |
Improved physiological efficiency through exogenous application of Ethrel & Gibberellic acid, increased crop harvest index and TSH in plant crops (autumn, spring and late planted) &ratoon crops (initiated from autumn & late planted sugarcane, Field impacts were assessed at farmers fields in Shamli and at Motipur regional centre, ICAR-IISR, Lucknow). |
Identified 3000 Transcripts of GA sprayed cane & their phylogeny was prepared based on DNA sequences. |
Modulated expression of sucrose metabolizing enzymes through foliar applications of enzyme effectors containing Mg, Mn and Ethrel for higher sucrose content in cane stalks. |
Deduced the first nucleotide sequence for Saccharum spontaneum SES34 (Gene accession no.: KC570328) by utilizing primer pairs developed based on known sequences of SAI gene. |
Determined SAI gene sequence for Saccharum spp. hybrids CoJ64 and for Saccharum officinarum 28NG210 (Gene accession nos.: KC570326 and KC570327, respectively) |
Minimized post-harvest losses through BKC + SMS (0.1 % each) |
Identified Leuconostoc species causing increased post-harvest sucrose losses. |
Developed biological pre-treatment methodology for conversion of lignocellulosic trash into fermentable sugars for its conversion to bio ethanol. |
Deduced lesser bio-availability of nitrogen bonded to aromatic carbons (anilides) in a humic acid fraction of ratoon rhizosphere that impeded nutrient acquisition during grand growth stage, causing yield decline of successive ratoons. |
Identified five most waterlogging tolerant genotypes, CoLk 12206, LG 06605, LG 04439, D-6-13, S 5085/11, based on relative cane weight. |