A new package for sugarcane cultivation with ‘cane-nodes’ has been developed
which reduces the seed cane requirement by 60% and ensures uniform crop
geometry leading to enhanced number of millable canes and cane yield. |
Deep tillage and cross sub-soiling at a distance of 1.50 m has been found to
positively influence the soil physical properties comprising bulk density,
infiltration rate and aggregate stability which culminates into substantial
increase in sugarcane yield in plant ratoon system. |
Micro-irrigation techniques involving surface and sub-surface drip
irrigation methods have been developed that leads to more than 70% saving of
irrigation water and higher cane yield over that obtained under flood
irrigation. |
A sugarcane Technology-Park showcasing recently developed agro-techniques
including promising varieties is being maintained for visitors. For
effective dissemination of technologies, training sessions for farmers,
sugar factory personnel and State Cane Department officials have been